HDDlife Pro 4.2
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HDDlife Pro 4.2

Monitor the health of your hard disks by measuring S.M.A.R.T
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4 Software Informer Virus Free award
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8.3 MB

Let’s take a short anatomy class. If the processor of the computer can be compared with the thinking functions of human being brain, the hard disk would be the part of the brain that works to keep memory of things. A huge warehouse where memories are kept, hopefully for life. But continuing with the analogy, just as the human brain hard disks needs to be taken care of and kept healthy to work properly. If they don’t, sooner or later we are going to pay the consequences with tons of lost data, and for sure we won’t be happy at all.
HDDlife Pro would be the doctor of our little story. It will be monitoring and taking care of our disks, letting us know in advance if some problem seems to be emerging so we are aware of it. In addition, HDD life Pro has a proper treatment for every diagnosis and can solve almost any problem. That way, not only monitors and inform us about our hard disks’ health but also take care of it and cure the disks whenever it’s necessary.
How does this electronic doctor works, you might be wondering right now. Let’s try to answer that question. HDDlife Pro is a pretty nice and easy-to-use application with a single window interface. This main window in turn is composed of one or more tabs according to the quantity of hard drives you’re monitoring. That’s to say, one tab per disk. What you see on each tab is some abstract information about the disk’s health: volume serial number, working temperature, work time (life of disk), health status, performance, conclusions and the percentage of used space. You’ll see that in trial version only one disk is supported.
In addition to the commented interface you’ll see three new icon on your system tray (maybe too many): notifications icon, with annoying balloons poping up; temperature monitor icon, showing the actual number of degrees; and disk usage read and write percentages. The good side of the crowded system tray is that you keep posted all the time.
Many options are available for you to set and customize the HDDlife Pro to your needs. Let’s know a little about them:
Language: you can choose from a large list of languages available for the interface.
General: some general settings like load the application at Windows startup, frequency to run tests to the disks, and some check on internet options.
Hard drive temperature: you can select Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees, set the frequency to check the temperature and select colors for notifications according to the gravity of the problem.
Free disk space: you can select the frequency to check free space and set the percentages of urgent and critical free space.
Visual: to set the behavior of the icons on the system tray.
Warnings: you can set some items of warnings and notifications organized into two categories: types and bindings.
Skins: you can choose among the 6 included skins for the application.
HDD statics: you can set the frequency to send statics expressed in hours.
Maybe you won’t need it but is available a full content help file that is installed in your hard drive. Regarding money, you can start working with this tool for 25 dollars (single user license). You can upgrade to a 5 PC license for 99 dollars getting a 25% discount.

LM Senior editor
Lionel Mira
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • Easy-to-use, many features available, works in the background, economic


  • Annoying notification balloons on system tray. Limited trial version to one disk. Different price for use on notebooks

Comments (2)

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It works ok on my PC, but on my laptop it crashes. Mediocre program.

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excellent program. I Told already a lot of people about it and saw how it works on my computer
and every one was impressed.Just which it was already out in the nineties.

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